Nuclear’s sixth studio album and most extreme proposal to date. Obliterating all boundaries, Nuclear’s new music ingrains the vicious cutting-edge guitars of thrash and the sonic brutality inherent to the death metal’s golden years. With unyielding tones feeding a display of unhinged savagery, “Murder Of Crows” is set to become one of thrash’s uttermost deliveries of 2020.

Skull fracturing dementias such as “No light After All” and violent onslaughts like “Useless To Mankind”, are just a hint of this furious album which will supply enough aggression to fulfil the expectations of all extreme metalheads worldwide. Without a doubt, this South American thrash outfit will embark you all in a journey back to the 90s yet with the refreshing and powerful sound of 2020.


"If you like your Thrash spiced up with Hardcore and Punk check out Nuclear! This is some of the best Old School Thrash Metal you will hear this year! These Chileans are on top of their game!"
"Holy shit, the Chileans have an anger in their stomach that it could get you scared. If the first quiet sounds simulate a relaxed melancholy and at the same time indicate an ominous tension, break all dams with the opener and title song, and the entire aggression of the South Americans discharges (...)" - 13 out of 15.
"If the gentle acoustic intro 'Pitchblack' suggests something else, the Chileans go straight to the limit when it comes to the follow-up title. Frontman Matías Leonicio vented his anger: He grumbled and scolded what his lungs could give. 'Abusados', 'Misery Inc.' and 'Facing Towards You', on the other hand, drive up with a furious rush of speed. Nuclear doesn't let up in the final track 'Useless To Mankind' either and once again unloads their sheer brutality before the last few minutes of the song are gently plucked."
"In times when more and more thrash bands are pulling in the technical direction, it feels a little liberating to listen to a band running on a more punk touch. Nuclear surprisingly often slows down and chooses to play on weight instead of speed. It works. Without doing anything unique, Nuclear still manages to stand out from the crowd. Strong!"
- 8 out of 10.
"Nuclear do not disappoint on any level. Chunky thrash riffs bolstered among death metal and vocals delivered with barbarian like brutality ensure 'Murder Of Crows' will not go unnoticed" - 8 out of 10.
"This album must be heard with care for the ears, because the level of musical Thrash Metal violence of “Murder of Crows” is extreme." - 9 out of 10.
"Murder Of Crows" is like being beaten with baseball bats. This is the feeling the album leaves you with. Nuclear have delivered a good and consistently angry album here."
"A sliding, compelling and powerful album, baptized by skilled musicians, a thundering vocalist, a brilliant technical taste!" - 9 out of 10
"The five southamericans have become even harder, more brutal and uncompromising in their play. “Murder Of Crows” is clearly the best Nuclear release so far. Everything sounds even tighter, harder and better than before. Hopefully the new material can be presented live again soon" - 9.5 out of 10.
“Murder Of Crows” is sonic devastation from one of South America’s finest."
- 5 out of 5
"What you can hear here is first class Thrash Metal that has what it takes to turn any club into a seething circle pit."
"Nuclear say goodbye almost completely to the influences of the past on "Murder Of Crows" and present themselves much more modern but also more aggressive. With “Murder Of Crows” Nuclear have finally found their own style. Keep it up!" - 8.5 out of 10
"An adrenaline-fueled album that is capable of being critical, fierce and committed, reflect of a band which isn't outside of social, political and institutional problems that lurking us. Social criticism made in form of music based on good thrash-death old school that could mute to big names in the genre. I don't want to mention names, just an imperative: go and listen to Nuclear. Great band." - 9 out of 9
"A complete masterpiece that -from my subjective point of view- belongs to the league of top albums of 2020" - 10 out of 10.

"FACING TOWARDS YOU" - First single off "Murder Of Crows"